Survival and stability of patients with urothelial cancer and spinal bone metastases after palliative radiotherapy
Introduction: To analyze survival and stability of patients with urothelial cell cancer and spinal bone metastases (SBM) after radiotherapy (RT). Furthermore, to assess the effects of RT on bone mineral density (BMD) as a local response in SBM after RT.
Material and Methods: Survival of 38 patients with 132 SBM from urothelial cancer, treated January 2000 to January 2012, was calculated. Stability of irradiated thoracic and lumbar SBM was retrospectively evaluated in computed tomography (CT) scans using the validated Taneichi score. Difference in BMD, measured in Hounsfield units (HU), of the SBM before and at 3 and 6 months after RT was analyzed.
Results: All patients died during follow-up. Overall survival (OS) after 6 months, 1 year and 2 years was 90%, 80% and 40%, respectively. Bone survival (BS) was 85%, 64% and 23% after 6 months, 1 year and 2 years, respectively. Survival from start of RT (RTS) was 42% after 6 months, 18% after 1 year and 5% after 2 years. Only 11% received bisphosphonates. Stability did not improve at 3 or 6 months after RT. BMD increased by 25.0 HU ± 49.7 SD after 3 months (p=.001) and by 24.2 HU ± 52.2 SD after 6 months (p=.037). Pain relief (≥2 points on the visual analogue scale) was achieved in only 27% of patients.
Conclusion: Benefit from palliative RT of painful or unstable SBM is limited in these patients and they should be carefully selected for RT. Shorter fractionation schedules may be preferred and outcome may improve with concomitant bisphosphonates.
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